
“One time the Democrats paid a man who was known to not be the brightest person in the world to vote straight Democrat. When the man came out of the voting booth, they asked him if he voted under the Rooster. He replied, ‘Rooster, heck no, I voted under the coop.’”  – Barbara McKenzie, Morehead, Kentucky, November 20, 1971, date interviewed / Western Kentucky University Folklore and Folklife Center (

A similar situation happened to my Grandmother Daisy Cadwallader May (1899-1993).
Once when voting, she was advised that if she were to vote “for” the Rooster, her ballot, after being placed in the ballot box, would be tallied as a vote “for” the GOP in that the Rooster would end up in the Log Cabin  through agency of  “just-helping” election poll workers.

(The Log Cabin was the symbol of  Republican Party in Ohio, Indiana and a few other states at the time.)

As the story was relayed, my  Grandmother May, her Welsh indignation rising as I imagine, refused and ensured, before leaving the voting precinct, her vote would be recorded correctly by placing it in the ballot box herself – Straight Republican as my maternal and paternal families have been since 1856 – and Campbellites as well (Restoration Movement – Christian Church) if that “counts.”