
Political answers for handling the volume of those from other countries seeking to live in the United States are not simple. But if you ask employers desperate to fill jobs, you might get an answer similar to that from Tim Lyman, who works in a factory in Columbus: “If they want to learn, I’ll teach them.”

Reuters took a look at the employment landscape for migrants in Columbus — and across Ohio — and discovered trade unions and other businesses are increasingly turning to migrants to fill labor needs.

Kelly Fuller, vice president of talent and workforce development for the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, told Reuters that help accessing immigrant communities to find and hire workers is among the top three requests from local businesses. Union officials said they welcome the extra help from migrants and refugees.

Reuters found that without immigrants, our workforce numbers are declining. Baby boomers are retiring.

That’s something important to remember as we continue to debate immigration — and areas where it is beneficial.


Refer to https://wvmetronews.com/2024/06/28/migrants-are-streaming-across-the-border-but-they-are-not-coming-here/