Resources / Research

The West Virginia Department of Education Announces 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant Awards

West Virginia Department of Human Services Completes First In-Depth Homelessness Study,experiencing%20homelessness%20in%20West%20Virginia

New study finds stark differences in dementia diagnosis rates across US

Depending on where in the United States a person lives, they may be more or less likely to receive a timely dementia diagnosis. Image credit: ZOA PHOTO/Stocksy.

  • Diagnoses and treatment of dementia vary widely across the United States, according to a new study.
  • In addition to geographic inequities, certain populations tend to be underdiagnosed, including Black and Hispanic individuals, and people aged 66-74.
  • The problem is likely the result of a combination of complex overlapping factors.

Also refer to: Your ZIP code may determine your dementia diagnosis, study finds /

Understanding the sudden rise of type 2 diabetes in children

The metabolic disorder was long known as a disease of adulthood. Now, it’s spiking in kids and teens, with worrisome consequences.

The Top 50 employers for high school graduates


Frequent Childhood Relocations Linked to Higher Depression Rates in Later Life

When a child moves, they’re not just leaving behind a house; they’re leaving behind a whole ecosystem of social connections.

Should you get a PhD?


West Virginia ranks among top states for teen tobacco use, ranks #1 for e-cigarette usage